Overcome Negative Comments and Opinions
I am saddened by the number of kids who share the affect negative comments and opinions have on their self-worth. I can relate to them.
During my school years, I took disrespectful, hurtful remarks to heart. I was becoming unhappy with who I was and with my physical appearance. I started to find myself worrying about what others thought of me all the time. I was beginning to believe all those remarks about me were true.
I wrote the song ‘Doesn’t Mean Much’ because I wanted to remind myself that I have the final say in what I choose to believe about myself.
Kids Hear So Many Opinions
Some comments and opinions tear them down – some steal their confidence and self-worth. I want them to know that opinions don’t mean anything until they say they do. I want them to know that they have the final say in what they choose to believe about themselves regardless of what others say.
How do you help kids overcome negative comments and opinions that tear them down? How do you strengthen their confidence and self-worth so that disrespectful, hurtful opinions don’t become what they believe about themselves?
Kids Need to Believe They are Enough
TRY THIS: Have them write out what they want to believe about themselves regardless of those negative comments, opinions and judgments.
Start their belief with I CHOOSE.
I Choose to Believe I AM ENOUGH.
I Choose to Accept myself just the way I am.
I Choose to Love the body I am in.
I Choose to Enjoy & Appreciate my uniqueness.
I Choose to Respect myself, others & my dreams.
Encourage them to place these beliefs everywhere they can see them as a visual reminder – their mirror, locker, binder, sock drawer, back of their phone – so that anytime a negative thought/worry enters their mind, they can replace it with their new belief. This is something that I still do.
Keep reinforcing that they have the final say in what they choose to believe about their body, their talent, their abilities and their life. They are enough!
P.S. Here is another exercise to help strengthen their confidence & self-worth.
Until next time…