Hi, I’m Sara Westbrook. I created UPower® presentations & workshops to strengthen resilience and emotional well-being because life can get messy!
If you are looking for presentations and workshops that provide user-friendly strategies to enhance resilience and emotional and mental well-being, you have come to the right place!
Over 500,000 students, educators, and parents have experienced UPower® Presentations. They are a unique hybrid of speaking and singing to share strategies that participants can use to strengthen their resilience and emotional and mental well-being.
Students, educators, and parents are expected to make responsible, respectful choices in spite of challenging circumstances and the emotions those challenges trigger.
An awareness of emotions, intentional reflection on how they impact choices, and the resilience to overcome challenging circumstances and tough emotions is essential to overall well-being and success. Suppressing, avoiding, and reacting out of emotions negatively impacts relationships, choices, and behaviour, causing stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
All presentations are available for virtual or in-person audiences
Students face many challenges that impact their emotional and mental health. Feeling like a failure, believing they are not good enough, and not trusting in their own uniqueness are common challenges that trigger tough emotions. Emotional awareness, self-regulation, and resilience are skills that are essential for overall well-being and success!
FIND OUT MOREIt's so important to help children learn to understand their emotions and to learn strategies to move with and through them in. This positivity impacts their behaviour and strengthens confidence and resilience.
FIND OUT MOREEducators have a tough job! Throughout the day, they are dealing not only with students' emotions and behaviours but also with their own emotions. It can be exhausting and very stressful. Is there a way to make their day easier? Yes! By learning the strategies of emotional awareness, emotional management, and emotional resilience.
FIND OUT MOREWhat makes me unique as a speaker is my ability to share a CHOICE MAKING FORMULA™ through personal stories and songs. This combo keeps your audience engaged and makes the skill I share easy to digest.