
Blogs to Strengthen Resilience & Well-being

25 Jun 2020

Take Care of You First

Be selfish to be selfless. Sounds pretty … selfish! What if, in order to help others, you first have to take care of yourself? You would never take …

10 Jun 2020

Listen. Learn. Grow

So much is changing and will continue to change. Through all the changes, we want the best for our children and students. We want them to act in a …

21 May 2020

Pets Bring Us So Much Joy and Comfort

It’s amazing how many photos I have of our dog Finn and yet I find myself taking more. He looks at me as if to say … ‘again …

6 May 2020

Teaching Kids to Bounce Back

Children are experiencing a lot of changes during this unprecedented time. They are missing their friends and their extended family. Their routines have been turned …

1 Apr 2020

My Grandpa’s Secret

My grandpa died a few months ago of natural causes. He was 102… ONE HUNDRED AND TWO. Isn’t that amazing? I think he had a secret …

26 Feb 2020

It’s Time to Stop Saying ‘I’m Fine’

I have helpful suggestions to implement in your day-to-day, but let’s start with some inner reflection before we get there. Read the following two scenarios …

12 Feb 2020

Why is the Thought of Asking So Scary?

'You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.' Oprah Winfrey Think about a time you wanted to ask a question and didn’t.  …

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